Eidolons: The Shadowy Figures of Our Digital Age

As technology advances and virtual conversational partners, the "Eidolons", become increasingly difficult to separate from real people, we have to face a possible dystopian reality. In this scenario, where people's lives are increasingly moving into digital spheres - cheap remote housing, telecommuting and online communities - the stealthy integration of Eidolons into our daily lives could fundamentally change the way we experience relationships and social interaction. If Eidolons become part of our everyday social interactions without us noticing, this can lead to a number of consequences and changes in human behaviour: When it is difficult to distinguish who is a real person and who is an AI-created Eidolon, trust between people can falter. As unpleasant experiences accumulate, uncertainty about whether an individual is authentic human can further reduce the willingness to engage in deep and meaningful interactions. While Eidolons can provide conversational compan...